Aug 20, 2009

Car Wiring Diagram :Check and ignition resetting on Subaru Legacy Outback (4-cylinder models) series В12 2001-2002.

Car Wiring Diagram it is presented car wiring diagram systems of the direct ignition, used on 4-cylinder models Subaru Legacy Outback.Before than to pass to consideration of an order of resetting of ignition we will study work of ignition system Subaru Legacy Outback according to car wiring diagram.
For the purpose of air-fuel mixture ignition in cylinders of the engine the system generates high-voltage (HV) pressure and gives out it on screwed in each of cylinders of the engine of a spark plug. Pressure should be high enough to provide "breakdown" of an air spacing between candle electrodes. Besides, "breakdown" should occur during strictly certain moment of time corresponding to current position of the bucket in the cylinder and answering to inquiries of the engine in a wide range of operational parametres.
car wiring diagram
Fig.1.Car wiring diagram ignition systems Subaru Legacy Outback (4-cylinder models).
1 - the Battery
2 - the ignition Switch
3 - the Gauge of position of a cam shaft (GCS)
4 - the Ignition coil
5 - the Spark plug
6 - the ignition Module
7 - the detonation Gauge
8 - the Front oxygen gauge
9 - the Temperature detector of a cooling fluid of the engine (TDC)
10 - the Rear oxygen gauge
11 - the Gauge of measurement of weight of air

On 4-cylinder models of an ignition coil (on one on pair cylinders) are united with the ignition module in uniform assembly as it is shown on car wiring diagram Subaru Legacy Outback.
In system DIS 4-cylinder models Subaru Legacy Outback at ignition distribution the single spark is used. At the command of ECP spark formation occurs in simultan eously two cylinders, the bucket of one of which is in the end of a timing period of compression, another - in the end of a final timing period. Thus the basic power failure is necessary on a candle of the cylinder which is in a timing period of compression in view of much more of a high pressure in it. Capacity spark formation in the second cylinder will be minimum (a single spark), providing thus reburning of molecules of an air-fuel mixture remaining in a combustion chamber that allows to achieve more effective drop of toxicity of the fulfilled gases. Spark formation occurs at a time in cylinders 1/2 and 3/4.

Aug 12, 2009

Car Wiring Diagram:1999 Honda Civic Fuel Injector Wiring Diagram.

car wiring diagram

On 1999 Honda Civic DX Hatchback having engine JDM Civic SIR II in a half-year operation engine work is broken. The engine loses a throttle response, smokes. Visual inspection has revealed failure of injectors. However replacement of an injector Number One not help.Car Wiring Diagram offers such order of elimination of failure.
As you can see in the car wiring diagram below, the injector electrical circuit is very simple. Power to the injector comes from the Main Relay and the ground is supplied by the PCM.Since only one or two injectors are effected, and replac injector number one, it's safe to assume that the injectors and the injector wiring are all good. So that leaves the ground side. Check the brown wire for injector number 1 at the PCM connector. With the key ON and engine OFF, there should be power at the PCM. Do this for the red, blue and yellow wires for injectors number 2, 3 and 4 respectively.If you have power, jiggle the wire harness at the injectors to see if the light flickers. If it does, you have a damaged connector.Check the wiring from the injectors to the PCM very carefully for breaks and shorts. If the wiring is all good, then you have a bad PCM.

Car Wiring Diagram: wiring diagram electronic fuel gauge of 1984 Lincoln Town Car.

car wiring diagram

Car Wiring Diagram offers wiring diagram electronic fuel gauge of 1984 Lincoln Town Car. At a continuous exploitation 1984 Lincoln Town Car the electronic fuel-flow
dash fails. Also there are problems at replacement fuel pump. Using car wiring diagram electronic fuel gauge we will execute adjustment.
According to car wiring diagram electronic fuel gauge of 1984 Lincoln Town Car ground the yellow/white wire in a connector of a fuel tank. If thus the line fuel-flow dash goes in FULL, the fuel-flow dash , sending unit in the reservoir is bad. If stay of a fuel-flow dash of line in EMPTY, a fuel-flow dash of line or wiring is bad.
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